Михайлов Виктор Сергеевич

Доцент, кандидат физико-математических наук.
email:  ftvsm78@gmail.com

Основное место работы

Санкт-Петербургское отделение Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова РАН, лаборатория  математических методов геофизики.

 Научные интересы

  • Обратные задачи математической физики и связанные вопросы спектральной
    теории и теории управления.

Основные публикации

  1. A. S. Mikhaylov, V. S. Mikhaylov. Dynamic inverse problem for Jacobi matrices, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2019.
  2. A. S. Mikhaylov, V. S. Mikhaylov, S.A. Simonov. On the relationship between Weyl functions of Jacobi matrices and
    response vectors for special dynamical systems with discrete time, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. DOI:
    10.1002/mma.5147, 2018.
  3. A. S. Mikhaylov, V. S. Mikhaylov. Boundary Control method and de Branges spaces. Schrodinger operator, Dirac
    system, discrete Schrodinger operator. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 460, no. 2, 927-953, 2018.
  4. S. A. Avdonin, V. S. Mikhaylov, K. B. Nurtazina. On inverse dynamical and spectral problems for the wave and
    Schr\”odinger equations on finite trees. The leaf peeling method. J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.) 224 (2017), no. 1, 1-10.
  5. S.A. Avdonin, A.S. Mikhaylov and V.S. Mikhaylov On some applications of the Boundary Control method to spectral estimation and inverse problems. Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2015, 6 (1), P. 63–78
  6. M. I. Belishev, V. S. Mikhaylov Inverse problem for one-dimensional dynamical Dirac system (BC-method). Inverse Problems, Vol. 30, no. 12, 2014.
  7. S. A. Avdonin, G. Leugering and V. S. Mikhaylov «On an inverse problem for tree-like networks of elastic strings», ZAMM Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 90 (2010), no. 2, 136–150.
  8. S. A. Avdonin, V. S. Mikhaylov, A. V. Rybkin «The boundary control approach to the Titchmarsh-Weyl $m-$function», Comm. Math. Phys. 275, (2007), no. 3, 791—803.
  9. A. S. Mikhaylov , V. S. Mikhailov «Remark on Covering Theorem» Journal of Mathematical Science v.112, N 1, 2002, p 4024-4029

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