Внеочередной семинар 20 января. НАЧАЛО в 17:00

20 января в 17:00 состоится внеочередное заседание семинара кафедры Высшей математики и математической физики, ПОМИ (ауд. 106 или 203).

ВНИМАНИЕизменено время начала семинара 17:00

В феврале на первой неделе семестра заседания семинара не будет. Просьба к участникам семинара прийти на внеочередное заседание. 

Докладчик Игнат Фиалковский
Федеральный Университет АБЦ, Сан Пауло, Бразилия

Тема Единый подход к неадиабатическим переходам вблизи пар вещественных и комплексных точек поворота (по совместной работе с М.В. Перель)

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Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics

August 2-7, 2016

Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

OTAMP conferences are organized every second year since 2002. They were held in 2002 ,2004 (Bedlewo, Poland), 2006 (Lund, Sweden), 2008, 2010 (Bedlewo, Poland), 2012 (Barcelona, Spain), 2014 (Stockholm, Sweden).

The next OTAMP conference will be held at the Euler International Mathematical Institute at Saint Petersburg.
The Petersburg Mathematical School in Analysis, Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics and Probability is well-known in the mathematical world for last two centuries.

The scope and the aim of the conference is to bring together specialists, working in the various fields of mathematical physics and pure mathematics both, especially working in analysis and its applications in order to arrange exchange of ideas, new results and help in the future and already existing collaborations.

It will be organized by the Euler International Mathematical Institute, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (St.Petersburg Department) and the Saint Petersburg State University.

The conference is followed by the Summer School: “Various Aspects of Mathematical Physics” for young mathematicians to be held at the Euler International Mathematical Institute, August 8-11.

The conference is supported by the Russian Science Foundation ,grant No 15-11-30007.


Special Sessions:

  • Spectral Theory of selfadjoint partial differential operators.
  •  Jacobi matrices, CMV matrices and orthogonal polynomials.
  • Random and quasiperiodic operators. Models from the Quantum Fields theory.
  • Analysis on quantum graphs.
  • Non-selfadjoint operators and their spectral analysis. 

Conference organizers:

  • J.Janas (Krakow )
  • E.Korotyaev (St.Petersburg)
  • P.Kurasov (Stockholm)
  • A.Laptev (London/Stockholm)
  • S.Naboko (St.Petersburg)

Advisory Board:

  • B.Pavlov (Auckland/St.Petersburg)
  • B.Simon (Pasadena)
  • G.Stolz (Birmingham,USA)

Local Committee:

  • N.Sharkova
  • A.Tsiganov

The preliminary list of Invited Speakers includes:

  • J.Berndt (Graz)
  • M.Brown (Cardiff)
  • H.Langer (Vienna)
  • M.Marletta (Cardiff)
  • C.Tretter (Bern)
  • A.Shkalikov (Moscow)
  • I.Veselic (Chemnitz)

The registration fee including the banquet, boat trip, coffee breaks, the conference materials and daily lunches is 250 euros.

If you have any questions please contact Sergey Naboko at: sergey.naboko at gmail.com
or the Euler Institute administration.

Summer School: Various aspects of mathematical physics

August 8-11, 2016

Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The School is organized by the Euler International Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a branch of Steklov Mathematical Institute RAN, Saint Petersburg, Russia. and Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, on August 8-11, 2016 and supported by RSF grant No 15-11-30007.

The instructors of the School include some of the leading international experts who are able to give exciting presentations to young scientists and university students. There is a limited number of grants that would provide financial support for accommodations and travelling expenses.

Application including a short CV should be sent to Prof. Korotyaev by May 1, 2016.

Conference board:

1. Chairman
E.Korotyaev, (St. Petersburg),

2. Organizers:
A. Laptev (London),
S. Naboko (St. Petersburg),
A. Tsiganov (St. Petersburg),

Speakers (tentative list)

  • Maria Esteban (France)
  • Rupert Frank (USA)
  • Hiroshi Isozaki (Japan)
  • Sergei Kuksin (France)
  • Ari Laptev (Sweden)
  • Michael Loss (USA)
  • Stas Smirnov (Switzerland-Russia)
  • Jacob Moller (Denmark)
  • Taimanov Iskander (Russia)
  • Shirokov Nikolai (Russia)
  • Saburova Natalia (Russia)
  • Anton Baranov (Russia)
  • Dmitry Chelkak (Russia)
  • Sergei Dobrohotov (Russia)
  • Andrey Mironov (Russia)
  • Tatyana Suslina (Russia)
  • Evgeny Korotyaev (Russia)
  • Andrey Tsiganov (Russia)
  • Sergey Naboko (Russia)

Платонова Мария Владимировна


email: mariyaplat@rambler.ru

Год поступления в аспирантуру: 2015

Научный руководитель: д.ф.-м.н. Н.В. Смородина

 Научные интересы

  • теория вероятностей,
  • теория обобщенных функций.

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Сеник Никита Николаевич


кандидат физико-математических наук


 Научные интересы

  • теория усреднений дифференциальных операторов
  • дифференциальные операторы в частных производных



Поздравляем аспирантов Юлию Мешкову, Дмитрия Корикова и Ярослава Коптелова с победой в конкурсе стипендий имени В.А.Рохлина!

Поздравляем студента 6-го курса Марка Дородного с победой в конкурсе на стипендию имени О.А.Ладыженской Санкт-Петербургского математического общества!